A special thanks needs to go to the rest of the winemaking staff at Buena Vista Carneros. Jeff (Winemaker for Buena Vista Carneros), Jaeson (Associate Winemaker), and Anna (Assistant Winemaker). Together we make quite a team. (And the best part is that I got to stick my nose into making Pinot Noir and Chardonnay).
There are also many people to thank, so I am going to try to list them all. It is quite a big team that keeps the winery running. A big thanks to Sam and all the folks in the cellar and maintenance that keep the winery operations running. The cellar team that is led my Mario, Eron, and Panfilo. And the cellar crew of Esteban, Maria, Mario, Juan, Miguel, Rafael, Ray, Maria, Xochilt, Myra, and all the interns, Dana, Lindsay, Danny V, Paula, Danny G, and Jacquelyn. Thanks to Norm, Luis, and Ron for keeping the place running. Thanks to Debby for keeping all the records in order and to the sorting crew that stood there hour after hour making sure that every leaf and every piece of stem are removed so that we have only the highest quality of grapes going into each fermenter. A special thanks to the lab with Monica and Jose and interns Luiz and Ana who feed us all the analysis we need to make the best wines possible.
And a special thanks to Nicole, who sources amazing grapes from some of the best mountain top Napa Valley growers, which go make up our Atlas Peak Cabernet Sauvignon!
Darren Procsal
Atlas Peak